Natural Constipation Remedies to Empty Your Bowels

If you are having difficulty visiting the bathroom and emptying your stool, there are various non-medical ways you can try at home to stimulate an inactive gut to ease constipation. We will discuss a few …

If you are having difficulty visiting the bathroom and emptying your stool, there are various non-medical ways you can try at home to stimulate an inactive gut to ease constipation. We will discuss a few ideas here for treating constipation and increasing bowel movement.

First and foremost, if you notice an altered routine you shouldn’t panic; simple modifications might allow for a return to regularity. understands the significance of health to individuals and the difficulties that can come with navigating complex medical systems, so they aim to provide users with an accessible platform on which they can quickly and efficiently find information they require – whether that be Constipation Remedies recommendations from us, options for treatment or tips on maintaining an active lifestyle – everything you could ever need can be found right here!

Lemon juice

An effective way to cleanse and stimulate stool movements is to drink a glass of water mixed with half of a lemon before bed and after awakening. Straws may be helpful, if your teeth become sensitive after drinking too much lemonwater regularly.

Olive oil

Consuming one tablespoon of olive oil daily on an empty stomach can aid the movement of stool through digestion and soften stools more easily, making it easier to clear away solid wastes more effectively. Olive oil acts as a digestive lubricant to make solids pass more smoothly through digestion while softening feces for easy evacuation of bowels.

Prune juice/dried prunes

An effective traditional remedy to treat constipation is prune juice. While not as fibrous than dried fruits, both are rich in sorbitol which travels through your intestine undigested and absorbs water from it in order to expand stool sizes and ensure regular bowel movement.

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Stewed apricots

Make a delicious and delightful treat to ease constipation! Cut an apricot punnet in half. In a saucepan, add 3-4 teaspoons of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of water, and cook on low-medium heat until the sugar begins to soften before turning off heat and placing an open lid to cool. These delicious bites make great breakfast additions paired with granola or yoghurt.


Drinking sufficient amounts of water has many health benefits. Drinking at least 2.5-12 glasses daily will replenish your system while aiding in the breakdown of food items in your gut, plus drinking hot beverages like tea can soothe an upset stomach and promote your peristaltic system.

Hot beverages

While we often turn to coffee and tea as refreshing afternoon refreshments or energy boosters, they produce diuretics – diuretics can increase urine production, forcing us to go more frequently to the bathroom than normal. When drinking coffee with the intention of stimulating bowel movements, keep in mind its diuretic effect; coffee works similarly to hot water by helping dissolve solids through heat dissolution; Senna tea can be particularly helpful in relieving constipation by contracting digestive tract muscles through stimulation.

Avoid foods with a high-fat content

As our bodies struggle to break down fats, especially with Western diets high in bile-producing food sources, our gallbladder (the organ responsible for breaking fat down) becomes overworked and stressed out. A reduction of fried foods would do much good and may ease constipation as well.


Ginger is a beloved natural ingredient found in numerous kitchens across the nation, often used to ease constipation symptoms like lower abdominal pressure. Furthermore, its medicinal qualities can also help alleviate other associated discomforts like nausea, bloating, and cramps that come along with constipation.

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Clear soups

Clear soups offer natural nutrition while being extremely satisfying and comforting to eat, helping the digestive tract function more efficiently and aiding in smooth bowel movements. Warmer foods such as soups are often easier for our bodies to digest.

Apples and pears

Apples and Pears Packed full of fiber, fructose, and sorbitol – two essential nutrients to help emptying your bowels – Apples and pears are popular fruits that aid in aiding in relieving constipation symptoms and digestion issues. Apples and pears boast high water contents which facilitates digestion while helping prevent constipation issues altogether. For best results eat them fresh for maximum effectiveness!


Fennel is a natural laxative that is gentle on the stomach, as well as pleasant for the nose. To refresh yourself in the evening with its refreshing taste and improve digestion, add roasted fennel seeds to hot water as a refreshing evening drink. Fennel seeds also aid stool movement through digestion by increasing gastric enzyme production in digestion.


Kiwifruit is an iconic fruit known to aid digestion and is one of the best-tolerated natural treatments for constipation. Kiwis contain actinidin, which promotes smooth flow throughout the upper intestinal tract.

Blackberries and raspberries

Blackberries and raspberries contain high concentrations of both water and fibre, making them excellent tools for relieving constipation. The optimal way to enjoy them is raw after being washed first before being consumed.


Sauerkraut may not be as well-known, but sauerkraut contains probiotic bacteria which may help alleviate constipation.

Omega-3 oil

Omega-3 oil can be found in various oils such as hemp seeds, fish oils and flaxseed; its main use is for constipation relief by lubricating intestinal walls. A diet high in avocados, fish products, flaxseed and hemp could increase omega-3 intake; alternatively supplements may be an easy solution if foods alone don’t suffice.

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One well-known source of fiber to aid digestion and ease constipation are legumes such as lentils, peas, beans and chickpeas. Packed full of folate, zinc and vitamin B6 for encouraging stool movements, they’re an excellent way to promote bowel movement and relieve constipation.

Yoghurt & kefir

Probiotics Can Benefit Yoghurt and Kefir Probiotics are found in many dairy products like yogurt and kefir, helping empty out your bowels more easily while softening stool formation and improving digestive health overall.


Grapes are delicious fruit that provide a nutritious dose of fiber, along with lots of water – both properties help relieve constipation.

Whole wheat pasta, bread bran cereals and pasta are some of the mainstays in any diet.

Weighting the stool to speed its passage through your digestive tract, whole wheat food items are an effective way to encourage stool movements. One great way to increase fiber in your daily diet would be selecting cereals made of wheat as well as breads containing seeds and nuts.


Positioning Have you ever felt the urge to relieve yourself in the toilet but were unable to go? Changing its position could prove helpful in alleviating that pressure. Be sure to remain relaxed when using it; don’t push too hard as doing so could result in injury. Make sure your knees are above hips, with back straight. Adding a stool will enable more effective relief by tightening stomach instead of just the rectum.